
Friday 7 December 2018

Antarctic animals

How well do you think this work has gone?
We worked very well but we need to focus more and finish when the teacher tells us

What was the best section of your work?

All of us doing our own slide and putting in on the last slide

Where did you go wrong in completing this assessment?

We didn't finish until the end of the day we needed to present

How might you improve your outcome in the future?

Work with others that I'm not gonna get distracted with

What did you find interesting about your topic?

That a 4 legged animal was the first animal on earth

What did you struggle with during your assessment?
Think that I wasn't gonna finish my slide on time and let my group down

Friday 9 November 2018

Glycemic index

a figure representing the relative ability of a carbohydrate food to increase the level of glucose in the blood.
Image result for what is glycemic index

Wednesday 7 November 2018


I wonder why do all the good NBA players move to the Western conference

... because they want to verse each other and see who is better. The NBA should make Labron James and Stephen Curry Captains for the all star game again. The NBA is getting bigger as time goes on and so it will be so big with the Golden State Warriors winning for the next 2 years. What if all the good players went to two different teams. Then the NBA would be very boring to watch the same two teams win all the time it would get boring for the other players and then they will leave to go play somewhere else . Who is the best NBA player of all time. Labron James is the best basketball play ever but might get taken over by Stephen Curry.

Friday 26 October 2018


whole grain 
Slow energy Release

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Food labels

In home economics, we have been learning about food labels

  • enlarge declaration
  • expiry date 
  • Were it is made
  • Storage instructions
  • Health advisory 
  • Nip
  • ingredients list  
  • percentage label 
  • total fat
  • Sugar 

Monday 13 August 2018

Fod tests

Testing for simple sugars

I want to find out how to test for simples sugars


  • Bunsen burner
  • test tube tongs
  • benedicts solution
  • food samples
  • test tubes
  • Safety Glasses

1. Place about 2ml of the sample in a test tube
2. Add 3-5 drops of iodine and mix 
Testing for simple sugars

I want to find out how to test for simples sugars


  • Bunsen burner
  • test tube tongs
  • benedicts solution
  • food samples
  • test tubes
  • Safety Glasses

1. Place about 2ml of the sample in a test tube
2. Add 3-5 drops of iodine and mix 


Wednesday 1 August 2018


I wonder who the highest paid rugby/league player 
The highest paid rugby player is 
1.Ayumu Goromaru/Toulon - NZ$2.44 million (€1.67 million) plus add-ons per season
2.Dan Carter/Racing 92 - NZ$2.44 (€1.67million) per season
3.Matt Giteau/Toulon - NZ$1.58million (€1.08 million) per season

Highest paid league player
1.Cameron Smith. The Melbourne Storm captain, Cameron Smith, is reported to be the highest paid NRL player
2.Robbie Farah. The West Tigers hooker, Robbie Farah, is rumoured to be earning $900k
3Will hopoate 800,000

Wednesday 27 June 2018

i wounder why

I wonder who is the highest paid sports player
the highest paid sports player is Cristiano Ronaldo
He gets paid 93 million a year plus a 58 million dollar bonus 

The second highest paid sports player is Lebron James 
He gets paid 86.2 million a year plus a 31. 2 million dollar bonus 

The third highest sports player is Lionel Messi 
He gets paid 80 million a year plus a 53 million dollar bouns

Tuesday 26 June 2018


in English, this term we have read a book and the book was called abomination and we had to write an essay and make a static image and we all got to chose our own way that we wanted to make our static image and then we had to get our image assist by our class and teacher

Thursday 21 June 2018

Reflection blog

In my performance, I was a man and this was about expressing my feeling about his girl to her boyfriend or someone

I think I did the reading part really well

I found learning the lines the really challenging part

pick a smaller script

it helps me with pick I voice I would use

Friday 18 May 2018

Proforming art

1. What have I learned
I have learned what it feels like for the kids at my school that do Shakespear feels like when they performed at the  Shakespear festival and it was like the same but a smaller crowd then what there was at my school.

2. How does this work show my learning?
This work shows my opinion of what my learning and what my class performance was like my learning on this topic was good but on the day on the performance, I think that I could have done better and put more energy into my performance

3. What did I find a challenge
I found doing the performance on the day was a challenge because not the whole class was there but on the day my performance was poor i should of dance and done my part better

4. What would I do differently if I did this again?
I would put my hand up for more challenging parts and not be scared to say my parts on a microphone and I would try really hard

5. What was it like performing on the day?
It was okay performing on the day but there were people that didn't come so it made it a little bit hard to do but we still gave our best to make our performance look really good but it was still really good and i had a lot of fun doing this topic

Thursday 17 May 2018


today on read theory I was reading about fruit flies and how to move fruit flies out of your kitchen and to not use harmful toxins in your kitchen

Monday 7 May 2018

Off loading

today in English I was reading a book that David Riley write about SonnyBill Williams  and it talked about when Sonny was a kid he wanted to win the Auckland school championships and he injured his ankle and he came off and the coach told him to get back on there he is not going to win the championships on the ground he went back on and they won by two tries

Sonny welcome back to the all blacks  Sonny replies it feels good to be back

Coach can I sit down and copied the plays into my book please they went and sat down and his frist test back he broke the line 6 time and scored 2 tries and in 2002 he got picked to play in the under 17s bulldogs and later he got moved to the under 19s bulldogs and then later he got moved to the NRL in 2007 he was bulldogs leading play for tries, tackles, offloads, Hit-ups

when sonny bill Williams first moved over to Australia he found it hard he had to wash his own clothes cook his own food  and he found it hard he spent most of the first week he was there on phone to his parents and he said he wanted to come home and his parents to him to stick out there & Nigel Vanagana he said to play and use his skills and he would get somewhere soon and he did he got put into the NSW blues under 17 that smashed Queensland 40-18

Friday 4 May 2018

Proforming arts

Matariki modern music 
Matariki is a Moari new year celebration is the moari name of the 7 stars is plaices colater 

Traditionally, Matariki was a time to remember those who had died in the last year. But it was also a happy event – crops had been harvested and seafood and birds had been collected. With plenty of food in the storehouses, Matariki was a time for singing, dancing and feasting.

Matariki, or Māori New Year celebrations were once popular but stopped in the 1940s. In 2000, they were revived. Only a few people took part at first, but in just a few years thousands were honouring the ‘New Zealand Thanksgiving’. A special feature of Matariki celebrations is the flying of kites – according to ancient custom they flutter close to the stars.

Friday 23 March 2018

separating mixture

Aim: To separate the different pigments in inks or dyes using paper chromatography.

~Ink from ballpoint pens
~Marker pens or food colouring 
~250ml beaker
~Strip of filter paper
~Adhesive tape
~Pencil or ice-block stick
~chromagraphy solution

 what i lernt
i learnt when there is two clours put into one you can see all the diffrent mixtures of courlers going down the paprer

Monday 19 March 2018

Growing cyrstals

I want to find how to make crystals form into a super-saturated solution

  • a supersaturated solution sodium acetate 
  • a seed crystal of sodium acetate
  • Bunsen burner
  • Boiling tube
  • Scissor Tongs
  • Heat Mat
  • Funnel
  • Filter paper
  • Small beaker


 I took a super saturated solution and we put it into a boiling tube and funnel and we watch it slowly drip down and it seed Crystal in the boilling tube and it stared to Crystal's

Wednesday 14 March 2018


I want to investigate how to dilute a solution

Test tube rack
Test Tube
10ml measuring cylinder


Fill the measuring cylinder with 10 ml of water

put the water into the test tube

Add 5ml of water to the last 5 of the test tubes

Get a small spatula full of  Potassium manganite

Put the Potassium manganite into the 10ml of water and mix it

take 5 ml out of the first test tube

put five ml into the second test tube and mix

take 5ml out of the second test tube and put it into the third on and mix

take 5ml out of the third one and put it into the fourth one and mix it

take 5ml out of the fourth one and put it into the fifth one and mix

take 5ml out of the fifth one and put it into the sixth one and mix


The more time you take out the water and add it to water the mixture should be getting litter every time you add it to more water.

The reason why it is getting litter every time is because there is a different amount of water and Potassium manganite because you are taking it out of where there is more of the Potassium manganite
because it has less and less of the Potassium manganite and there is more water every time.

Friday 9 March 2018

separating Mixtures

Aim: to separate a solution from a precipitant ( a precipaint is the name for a solid that forms a liquid during the chemical reaction)

Potassium iodide.
Lead Nitrate .
conical flask
200 ml beaker
filter paper


When I put the chemicals together it turned yellow
then we put the chemicals into a funnel with filter paper 
then I watched and the two chemicals had filtered and the chemicals separated and when back to there original color 

Tuesday 6 March 2018

My performance

My group has done the song and we need to practice our parts and do our roles 
Practice to get better at our song so that we can get better at our performance
We are performing Your welcome from Moana

Wednesday 28 February 2018

Investagation write up

Aim: I am Trying to find out how high a golf ball would bounce from different heights

I think it might go half way or maybe 3 quarters

1. get the golf ball get the one-meter ruler
2. go on the vinyl
3.put the ruler on the ground
4.bounce the ball from different heights
5. record data take the photos
6.take a video for the blog

Dependent Variable: we are gonna measure for the floor

Inderpent Variable: we can change it if we drop it on the carpet

Control Variable: we need to control where the ball bounces so we can get only one bounce

drop 1 from one meter 80cm
drop from 80cm is 67 cm
drop from 60 cm is 49 cm
drop form 40cm is 31 cm
drop from 20cm  is 16cm

Monday 19 February 2018

Safety Signage

types of sign's
Image result for hazard sign
it means putting stuff under decks or watching your step


Image result for mandatory signthis means wear ear muffs                         


Image result for prohibition sign

This sign don't wear sandels

This is my sign

Monday 12 February 2018